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Alumnus of the Month for July

George Hoppe II


Major - University Studies concentration in audio and video production 


Graduation Year - 2008


Pledge Class - Beta Omicron Fall 2004


Where do you work? 

Manager and Head Engineer at Red Velvet Recording Studio in Winchester, VA and Adjunct Teacher and Audio Director for Musicals at Barbara Ingram School of the Arts in Hagerstown, MD 


What is it like to work there?

I like it at Red Velvet, I am my own boss and get to help make some awesome music. At Barbara Ingram I teach Creative tech to seniors in high school and get to design audio for broadway sized musical like Shrek, Wizard of Oz, Legally Blonde and most recently, our annual Christmas Spectacular.


What are some of your recent accomplishments?

The new Drymill Road record I produced, mixed, and edited at my studio was released. I also did the 5.1 mixes at Shenandoah for the DVD. I am currently also working on the new Burning Dirty Record as well as the new Benzos Record. I have the Luke Johnson Band coming to track in March. 


What are your goals?

Teaching makes you feel like the smartest person in the room. I recently had to substitute music theory for three weeks, Jackson's little brother Tate was in this class, and even though I haven't been litigious in my music theory training for almost 8 years it all came back to me super quick. Also making music is some of the most rewarding work I have ever done. There is nothing like hearing a rough mix you did and it sounding super awesome right off the bat.


Any funny anecdotes you want to share about work?

Teaching makes you feel like the smartest person in the room. I recently had to substitute music theory for three weeks, Jackson's little brother Tate was in this class, and even though I haven't been litigious in my music theory training for almost 8 years it all came back to me super quick. Also making music is some of the most rewarding work I have ever done. There is nothing like hearing a rough mix you did and it sounding super awesome right off the bat.


What kind of advice would you give to a sinfonian about to graduate?

Bet on yourself! Whether you are working for someone or yourself. Bet on you! Take chances that involve you. Because you won't let yourself fail.


How did PMA contribute to your professional life (if at all)?

I contribute my life to advancing music in America and finding the truth in all things. That means telling someone to do it again and get it right and not settling to fix it in the mix. Making sure anything my name touches to be the highest of standards.... Even my live shows. When I was the house engineer at Sweet Carolines, it didn't matter if you were the opening act on a Thursday open mic night, a group of kids with RockRoom or a national touring act I made sure every act sounded the best they could.

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